Asking Generative Questions is an energetic co-creation tool that can help Influence greater outcomes in all aspects of your life!

What if whenever we ask generative questions, we are opening the door to allow space for new possibilities to occur on an energetic level that taps into the quantum field of consciousness and can bring greater outcomes for your life?

There are other dimensional fields that also exist and are present here within our quantum field of consciousness. And one way that we can access these dimensional fields is by raising the frequency of our words, thoughts and emotions to match that higher dimensional field that is always available to us.

These fields of energy and consciousness cannot be seen, but they coexist and overlap - they are not separate. It may be helpful to visualize them as spheres or clouds of consciousness that are contained one within the other.

When you start by asking a generative "What if.. I wonder... What would it take?" question, you empower yourself to become more attuned to that higher frequency and that choice opens up an awareness and a space of expanded possibilities on the higher dimensional spectrum of consciousness.

Can you see how your own conclusions and judgments of any situation as "this is good" or "this is bad" or “right" or "wrong” is actually an energetic limitation that will stop the flow that allows new and different possibilities to show up?  Using the simple tool of Asking Generative Questions to bring about the things that you desire to receive and inviting in the Universe to co-create your life with you, in flow, you’re then opening up the space to receive something even greater - BEYOND what you can imagine!

"What if the universe has a plan for me much bigger than I can see?"  - Universe, show me and tell me now!

"What would it take to receive endless possibilities for prosperity?" - Universe, show me and tell me now!

The more you stay out of conclusions and judgments of what is and is not presently showing up in your life, and instead ask questions, follow the flow and make the choices that feel good and feel light - the more you'll be holding that space open and you can begin to anchor in these higher frequencies and receive.  That’s the level where our seeds of creation are planted and generate and create what will show up next in our reality.

With every “What if…” or “I wonder… “What would it take…” type of question, you’re asking the higher fields of consciousness to show you something different, something more and beyond what your mind's limitations are telling you is actually possible.

We are programmed to think we can control and "figure out" situations believing that's how it's going to go our way, but it doesn't usually work out that well, have you noticed?

Your current level of consciousness and vibrational frequency is what determines the physical outcomes because that's what is being communicated through the universal language of energy.  What you want is to BE the energy of curiosity, wonder and non-judgment.

The vibrational interaction of our thoughts, emotions, words, and beliefs is what activates the molecules of energy in the quantum field that create our physical reality in every moment and we have the ability to consciously work WITH this fundamental force.

When faced with a specific situation you would like to change, it’s best to acknowledge the current situation as it is and then ask questions from the space of neutrality. Don't align or agree, resist and react, or judge it and get emotionally caught up. Instead… be in the question and be in allowance and non-judgement of what is showing up and ask a generative question that creates a neutral space allowing it to shift and change and make new choices available. 

In the moment you can say, “Ok, now what’s next?”, “Thank you, now what’s possible?”, “What would it take for something even greater to show up?” to keep you out of conclusion.

Just the simple fact that you're not settling and concluding that "it is what it is" and you're willing to ask the universe/higher consciousness for something different can set new things into motion to support you and the unseen energy molecules can reconfigure in an instant - it's the basic principle of quantum physics.

It’s a powerful tool to play with in your life, but also be mindful not to go into it with specific expectations like “fixing a problem” because that is just a judgment that will cut off your awareness and keep you stuck.

This practice is fun and it's not difficult, but it takes persistence and a commitment to your desire to improve your life as you get into the habit of asking  questions and becoming more aware.

As you are getting into this new habit, you may struggle to find the words and often can’t think of what to ask or ask questions in such a way that it isn’t expansive and doesn’t come from a lightness, but you can visit my Ask Generative Questions Facebook page for a daily dose or purchase the done-for-you MP3/PDFs available in the Ask Generative Questions Audio Series.

Learn more about the Power of Questions - read this article